Google Ads Display Network Ad Sizes and Features

Google Ads Display Network Ad Sizes and Features

Google Ads is a powerful digital advertising platform that enables businesses to reach potential customers by increasing their online visibility. Display ads use visual elements to attract users' attention and increase brand awareness. Display ads are ads that use visual elements such as videos, images or animations to promote your products and services to the target audience. Google Display ads are also called "Google Ads Display Network".

Image Sizes and Formats

Here are the image sizes and formats that should be used for Google Ads Display Ads:

Supported ad sizes

Square and rectangular
200 × 200 Small square
240 × 400 Vertical rectangle
250 × 250 Square
250 × 360 Triple widescreen
300 × 250 Inline rectangle
336 × 280 Large rectangle
580 × 400 Netboard
120 × 600 Vertical
160 × 600 Wide vertical
300 × 600 Half-page ad
300 × 1050 Vertical
468 × 60 Banner
728 × 90 Leaderboard
930 × 180 Top banner
970 × 90 Big leaderboard
970 × 250 Billboard
980 × 120 Panorama
300 × 50 Mobile banner
320 × 50 Mobile banner
320×100 Large mobile banner
Supported file size
600 KB or less

Accepted file formats are JPEG, JPG, PNG and GIF.

Animated Ads
Animated ads aim to attract users' attention by using attention-grabbing and moving visual elements. The accepted file format for animated ads is GIF. Animation duration should not exceed 30 seconds and the transition time for each frame should not exceed 100 milliseconds.

Visual Content Restrictions
Google Ads imposes some content restrictions for display ads. These restrictions include the following:
Ads must not contain text or images that are difficult to read.
Ads must not contain prohibited content (inappropriate, offensive or misleading content).
Ads must not contain excessively large text, logos, buttons or other elements.
Ads must not contain elements intended to attract the user's attention in a misleading way (flashing, moving, or fake system messages).
Ad Image Design Tips
Consider the following tips when creating an effective display ad visual:

Color and Contrast: The colors and contrast of your ad enhance the readability of the text and the attention-grabbing appeal of the image. Use your brand colors to create a consistent look and highlight visual elements.

Hierarchy: Think about the hierarchy of visual and text elements. Make the elements that need attention big and prominent first, followed by less important information.

Simplicity: Keeping your ad image simple and clear allows users to quickly understand the main message of your ad. Avoid visual clutter and focus only on the important elements.